• 16.5 km
  • 5 h 15 min
  • średni
  • 587 m
  • 775 m
  • Stan: Czynna

Jizersko-Karkonoska for the seasoned :). A less popular but very picturesque route towards Szrenica. To get to the trail, we take a train from Szklarska Poręba Górna towards Jakuszyce.

By train from Szklarska Poręba Górna to Jakuszyce - destination station Polana Jakuszycka
>green trail towards Hala Szrenicka
>Owcze Skały
>Hala Szrenicka
Return along the green and yellow trails through Schronisko pod Łabskim Szczytem and further to the center

Link to the map: https://pl.mapy.cz/s/hamerejeke

Trip time: over 5 h without sightseeing and rests
Distance: 16.4 km
With a stroller - no
With a baby carrier - yes
With a dog - no
Difficulty level - demanding
PKP timetable - https://rozklad-pkp.pl/
Stones of the Magic Trail of the Mountain Spirit - 2
Interesting facts on the route: Owcze Skały, Kukułcze Skały
Shelters on the route: Hala Szrenicka, Szrenicka, Pod Łabski Peak
Admission, fees - Karkonosze National Park: https://kpnmab.pl/bilety/page - online ticket purchase

dystans (km) wysokość m n.p.m.