• 9.8 km
  • 3 h 30 min
  • średni
  • 595 m
  • 633 m
  • Stan: Czynna


With views! :) You can safely say that this is the scenic crown of Szklarska Poręba, with a small descent to the underground of the former pyrite mine. A hike in the Jizera Mountains with a beautiful panorama of the Karkonosze Mountains, and for dessert a train ride.

>Start from the city center, from the Karczmarz viewing terrace
> Tourist Information
> Red Trail to Wysoki Kamień (1058 m above sea level)
> Yellow Trail towards Zakręt Śmierci
> Further yellow towards Zbójeckie Skały
> Adits of the former pyrite mine
> Zbójeckie Skały viewing terrace
> Szklarska Poręba Dolna PKP station
Return by train to Szklarska Poręba-Górna.

Map with the route below
Walking time: about 3.5 h without rest
Distance: 9.6 km
Difficulty level: medium
With a pram - no
With a baby carrier - yes
With a dog - yes
Buffet on the route: Wysoki Kamień
Entrance fees: train ticket
Train timetable: rozklad-pkp.pl
Stones of the Magic Trail of the Mountain Spirit: 3

dystans (km) wysokość m n.p.m.