• 10.9 km
  • 3 h 28 min
  • average
  • 512 m
  • 542 m
  • Condition: Czynna

Railway station  Szklarska Poręba-Górna → Desná → Albrechtice v Jizerských horách → Světlý vrch → Špičák (Tanvaldský Špičák) → Malý Špičák (Špička na Malém Špičáku) → Tanvald

Izerskie Mountains in turn ;-) to the Czech town of Desná. It has much in common with Szklarska Poręba, since the glass industry developed there too. From the railway station follow the green trail in the direction of Albrechtice. As soon as it joins the blue trail at the DETOA ski resort, turn right to Světlý vrch. The local lookout tower offers a panoramic view of theIzerskie Mountains and Karkonosze. The second destination, Špičák, is just within walking distance.

Return to Albrechtice along the same road, but continue along the blue trail to Špičák. The road takes a little longer as the ascent becomes steeper. A tavern with a lookout tower stands on the summit of Tanvaldský Špičák, and the views are spectacular. You can see Ještěd, Jizera, Jizera haystack and Smrk, and even Kotel in the Karkonosze.

Follow the green trail down, deviating slightly to Malý Špičák. On the top rock is an extraordinary boat-like structure. It is a lookout point for Špičák and Desná.

Further along the trail, climb down to the railway station in Tanvald to return to Szklarska Poręba.

Travel time

• by train Szklarska Poręba → Desna: 51 minutes

• by train Tanvald → Szklarska Poręba-Górna: 51 minutes

Crossing time

• Desná → Albrechtice / ośr. DETOA: ~30 minutes (1.9 km)

• Albrechtice → Světlý vrch: ~20 minutes (1.1 km)

• Světlý vrch → Špičák: ~50 minutes (2.4 km)

• Špičák → Malý Špičák → Tanvald: ~80 minutes (5.4 km)


• Railway departure times change throughout the year depending on the season, timetables on pkpl.pl / koleo.pl

• Tickets can be purchased at railway stations and from conductors.

• in the Czech Republic, the Czech crown is the legal tender; Zlotys may or may not be accepted; it is advisable to have cash with you in small CZ Koruns


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