• Szklarska Poręba

Zbójeckie Skały, like all the other viewpoints described here, have been famous for a long time for their wonderful panorama of the Karkonosze. A century ago a small tavern used to operate here and a small viewing tower was situated on the rock where today is the terrace.

Even though the contemporary original piano-like structure is located at a low altitude, it allows for admiring not only Szklarska Poręba-Dolna, Mt. Szrenica, Wielki Szyszak, but even Mt. Śnieżka, the Jeleniogórska Basin and distant Rudawy Janowickie.

The easiest way to reach the terrace leads from the Szklarska Poręba-Dolna railway station along the yellow/red hiking trail, or the Around Szklarska Poręba black trail.

Panorama 3D